Users Meeting

The DISC-AI-Lab Users Meeting aims to bring together people who use or contribute to one of the many subprojects within the AI-Aided Knowledge Discovery Lab. The goal is to meet each other, share information, learn about new developments, and discuss collaborations.

The meeting is free, but organizing it is not. To facilitate catering (coffee, tea, etc) and to arrange the administration, we ask participants for a donation via the university’s crowdfunding platform.

Who, When, Where?


Want to donate to ASReview?Anybody can participate; whether you have brilliant ideas, love statistics (or not!), or want to listen to the great adventures in the DISC-AI-Lab, you are very welcome! It is all about learning and improving your skills. You can also meet new people who can introduce you to incredible new insights or ways of working.

Because we want to stimulate interaction and collaboration, the maximum number of participants is ~42


Thursday, June 6 (2024) – 13.00-16.00 (CET) with the option to stay and collaborate/contribute.

2024/06/06 13:00:00


AI-Lab Community Room – Located in the old University Library – Entrance at the Drift 27 – Room 0.21 – Utrecht, The Netherlands.

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Users Meeting (on location)
  • 13.00 Coffee/tea
  • 13.10 Opening
  • 13.15 Start presentations session 1
  • 14.30 Break
  • 15.00 Start presentations session 2

Confirmed speakers

Session 1

In the first session the following five students will present about their work with, and on, ASReview for their thesis:

Berend Greijn – Automating a quality checklist with LLM’s

Carlos Vidal – Filling in evidence tables with GPT-4

Giulia Migliore – Automating title exclusion with LLMs

Josh Bleijenberg – Exploring Enhancements in Systematic Reviews with Text Embeddings, Similarity Metrics, and Visualization

Sjardi Willems – Scaling and normalization of Word Embeddings: Evaluating the impact of ASReview performance

Session 2

Frans Folkvord – Implementing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in building Large Language Modelling to make a better use of Patient Generated Health Data

Kianush Monschau – About the first Screenathon ever started in the University Library at University of Utrecht

Qixiang Fang – About topic classification of screening results

Additional information

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