Join the movement towards fast, open, and transparent systematic reviews

ASReview LAB v1.6.4. is out!

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ASReview is open-source AI-aided software for systematically screening large amounts of text data


ASReview uses state-of-the-art active learning techniques to solve one of the most interesting challenges in systematically screening large amounts of text: there’s not enough time to read everything!  


The project has grown into a vivid worldwide community of researchers, users, and developers. ASReview is coordinated at Utrecht University and is part of the official AI-labs at the university.

Free, Open and Transparent

The software is installed on your device locally. This ensures that nobody else has access to your data, except when you share it with others. Nice, isn’t it?

In 2 minutes up and running

With the smart project setup features, you can start a new project in minutes. Ready, set, start screening!

  • Create as many projects as you want
  • Choose your own or an existing dataset
  • Select prior knowledge
  • Select your favorite active learning algorithm


Class 101

Three modi to choose from

ASReview LAB can be used for:

We also offer an open-source research infrastructure to run large-scale simulation studies for validating newly developed AI algorithms.

Follow the development

Open-source means:

  • All annotated source code is available 
  • You can see the developers at work in open Pull Requests
  • Open Pull Request show in what direction the project is developing
  • Anyone can contribute!

Give a GitHub repo a star if you like our work.

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Join the community

A community-driven project means:

  • The project is a joined endeavor  
  • Your contribution matters!

Join the movement towards transparent AI-aided reviewing

Discussion Platform5 Ways to Get Involved

Beginner -> User -> Developer -> Maintainer
